I'm trying to be intentional about having the focus of this blog be about our English adventures, but I figured it was time that I gave a pregnancy update.
So, here I am today, at the start of my 24th week. I feel really good. I'm getting plenty of rest, and I'm trying to eat well. The baby seems to be very busy, kicking all the time. The kids can even feel it kicking now, which they just love!
I went for my sonogram last week (they call it a "scan" here), and it was just incredible! The baby was very cooperative (which I hope is a sign of things to come!). The woman doing the "scan" talked me through all of it, showing me the brain, face (it looked like the baby was sucking its fingers), arms and legs, spine, heart, kidneys, bladder, etc. She zoomed in on the heart so that I could see all four chambers, and she could tell that the blood was flowing in the right direction. She could also see that the whole spine was covered in skin, so that we know the baby doesn't have spina-bifida. Ethan and Maddie got to see the baby as well. Ethan was amazed, and Maddie just giggled the whole time. It was really cute!
And no, we did not find out the sex of the baby. We didn't with Tim or Maddie either... we love the surprise!
Anyway, after my sonogram, I met with a midwife for a few minutes. I have yet to meet a doctor, which is starting to alarm me, but I was guaranteed to have my next appointment with him. Anyway, the midwife asked if I had considered having a VBAC delivery for this baby. (For those of you who may not have heard this term before, it stands for Vaginal Birth After Caesarean- Maddie was breech, and was delivered via c-section). To be honest, I hadn't really considered it much until then. I just assumed I'd have another c-section. But now, I'm starting to wonder if I should be more open to it. Currently, I'm in the "gathering information" stage of the process. So far, I've learned that the biggest risk of VBAC is having your uterus rupture during delivery. The odds of this are 1 in 200, which really aren't great odds. On the other hand, there are more smaller risks associated with having a c-section, much like there are for any surgery.
I was hoping I could get some feedback from some of my blog readers. Do you know of anyone who has had a VBAC? What was their experience? What factors helped them decide for or against it? Any chance you could connect me with them?
In case you're unfamiliar with the comments part of this blog, it really is quite easy. All you need to do is click below where it says "# comments" (I think it's blue) and leave your message to me in the box to the right. Just be sure to type in the security letters and then post it. I would really appreciate hearing from people about this. Thanks!!
Go Slow, Let it Go, Anticipate
6 years ago