Although the weather is taking its time to warm up around here, there are signs of spring all around. Our favorite sign of spring has to be the lambs.
About a month ago, the spring lambs started appearing in the pastures along the road. They really are so cute. We were able to watch them up close one afternoon as we were driving down a dirt road on a farm. My favorite thing about watching them is how they run... it's sometimes more of a spring than a run... so cute!!
We've been waiting for the sheep that are sometimes across the road to return, to see if they have lambs with them. Well, they haven't returned yet, but we did notice that there were sheep with lambs just down the road (we could see them from our front windows). The kids and I took a little walk down to that field today, and watched and listened to them for while.
In completely unrelated news, I was able to go for an ultrasound this morning to establish the age and due date of the baby. As always, it was a completely magical experience. We found out that I am almost 16 weeks along now, and the due date is September 26th. The baby looked wonderfully and incredibly developed already. It was easy to make out the head and body and fluttering of the heart. The baby seemed to be moving around, and was even waving its hand to me at times. Ah, there's nothing like it. I know it's blurry, but here's baby Stryker #3's first picture.
Go Slow, Let it Go, Anticipate
6 years ago
Just precious!
(The lambs too.)
Cool! Congratulations again (about the baby, not the lambs). :)
Congratulations. I've been outta touch and didn't know. Love your pictures. I'm fighting jealousy and wanderlust, but thanks anyway Rebecca!
Congratulations on the newest addition to the family!!
Lambs were my favorites too.
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