Tuesday 23 December 2008

Merry Christmas to ME!!

I received an early Christmas present the other night, when Collin slept through the night!!! Hooray! We dropped both the late-night feed, and the 4am feed, and he did it! He slept until 6:30! Woo-hoo!!! Since then, he's woken once at 4am, but otherwise, he's been sleeping until morning.

I, of course, haven't adjusted yet. I still wake earlier than him and lie awake in bed, waiting for him to wake up. I'm sure I'll adjust soon, though.
In other news, Collin just turned three months old. I don't know how much he weighs, but he's seems huge to me! He found his thumb recently, which has probably helped with the sleeping thing. He still enjoys batting at his gym, and is full of smiles and laughs. We discovered that he is very ticklish under his armpits, which is fun!

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