Monday, 1 December 2008

Sir Timothy's Birthday Party

Yesterday was Timothy's 7th birthday. Yes, 7th. I still can't comprehend how I am the mother of a 7 year-old, but it's true.

This year, Timothy requested a knight party. I thought that would be a terrific idea because we could easily incorporate princess activities for the girls we invited. We invited his whole class at school, all 9 of them, along with the 4 students who were in his class last year and moved up. That brought it to a grand total of 13 children, not including Collin.
A few weeks ago, we sent out really cute invitations that we made. The front of the invite had a picture of Tim in a knight costume, and a large print, "Here Ye! Here Ye!" The inside included directions to our castle, and how to RSVP to Queen Rebecca. They were cute.

I found a great deal on ebay from a woman who was trying to sell the leftovers from her own son's knight party. We got tunics, foam swords, poster-board shields, necklaces, gold coins, etc. It ended up being a great bargain. Then, for not such a great bargain, I bought some items through Oriental Trading for the fair maidens, including princess wands and caps.

When the children arrived on Saturday, they were all dressed up sooo cute in their knight and princess costumes. Even Ethan and I got into the spirit by wearing crowns (I got some free crowns from Burger King and labled them with "Queen Rebecca" and "King Ethan").

We started off the party with a craft time. The boys decorated their shields, and the girls decorated their princess caps. We fed them a lunch of pizza, cucumbers, dragon scales (Doritos), and dragon juice (green Hawaiian Punch), and of course, had some birthday cake. I cut out a 13x9 sheet cake into the shape of a shield and decorated it with a dragon crest.We had a few games for the kids to play, and gave out loads of gold coins as prizes. We decided that we would save the foam swords to give out for the last 15 minutes of the party. Well, that was actually 15 minutes too soon!! A sword fight emerged, of course, and all chaos broke loose. So, we stopped the sword fight, and did a quick game of "The Queen Says" (Simon Says) to finish up our time. Thankfully, it worked.Ethan and I both agreed that Tim's party was the slowest 2 hours of our life! But, it was worth it. The kids all had a lot of fun!
Tim got some great gifts, too. He got a lot of board games, including "Snakes & Ladders" which is exactly like "Chutes & Ladders," except with pictures of snakes instead of chutes, of course. He also got a lot of birthday cards with button pins attached for him to wear. Maybe that's more common in England.

On his actual birthday, we went bowling as a family, and went to a pub for dinner. All in all, Timothy had a very special birthday!


krista said...

Mine eyes are filled with wonder and amazement that your little gent is but 7 years thus!!!

You're a brave woman for hosting that many kiddos with a babe still at your bosom...hope you got a nap afterwards! :o)


Amanda said...

It's harder for the cold weather birthdays! For Micah, they boys just run around outside for two hours and get sweaty and gross and then I feed them cake and juice boxes and they go home...for Silas, well, his birthday is in February so I'm sure I will be sharing the same stories...

Rebecca said...

I did get a nap afterwords. Ethan let me sleep for an hour and a half. It was awesome!!

Briana Almengor said...

Sounds like you did a great job with his party. The cake looks great, and it looks like Tim and Maddie have made a lot of friends.

Anonymous said...

Aw, what a great party. The cake is sooo cute!

Anonymous said...