Thursday, 4 December 2008

Winter Wonderland

We woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. We probably had 3-4 inches of snow which is very rare for around here, so we've heard. School was closed for the kids, and even Ethan didn't need to report to base until noon.

In Maryland, we always joked how they didn't have enough plows, and that's why the state would shut down when it snowed. Well here, they really don't have any plows. They designate the few plows they have to clear the "A" roads, so the side roads don't get touched.

The kids had soooo much fun playing out in the snow with daddy this morning. Here are a few pictures of our village and the kids.
Our house
A lone, snowy sheepThe village telephone boothOur village of Shaw Mills
Our happy snowman


krista said...

What fun!

Not enough snowplows/equipment sounds like the perfect excuse to stay home, play in the snow, drink hot cocoa and read books/play board games!

Anonymous said...

Hello Rebecca,
I like especially the snowman and the photo whith the village telephone booth! There are several degrees above zero here, mud and gloom... snow definitely looks better! Have a good day.

Amanda said...

It all looks so British and beautiful! How come Colin didn't play in the snow? LOL! :)